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模块化是持续学习(CL)的令人信服的解决方案,是相关任务建模的问题。学习和组合模块来解决不同的任务提供了一种抽象来解决CL的主要挑战,包括灾难性的遗忘,向后和向前传输跨任务以及子线性模型的增长。我们引入本地模块组成(LMC),该方法是模块化CL的方法,其中每个模块都提供了局部结构组件,其估计模块与输入的相关性。基于本地相关评分进行动态模块组合。我们展示了对任务身份(IDS)的不可知性来自(本地)结构学习,该结构学习是特定于模块和/或模型特定于以前的作品,使LMC适用于与以前的作品相比的更多CL设置。此外,LMC还跟踪输入分布的统计信息,并在检测到异常样本时添加新模块。在第一组实验中,LMC与最近的持续转移学习基准上的现有方法相比,不需要任务标识。在另一个研究中,我们表明结构学习的局部性允许LMC插入相关但未遵守的任务(OOD),以及在不同任务序列上独立于不同的任务序列培训的模块化网络,而无需任何微调。最后,在寻找LMC的限制,我们在30和100个任务的更具挑战性序列上研究它,展示了本地模块选择在存在大量候选模块时变得更具挑战性。在此设置中,与Oracle基准的基线相比,最佳执行LMC产生的模块更少,但它达到了较低的总体精度。 CodeBase可在https://github.com/oleksost/lmc下找到。
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鉴于部署更可靠的机器学习系统的重要性,研究界内的机器学习模型的解释性得到了相当大的关注。在计算机视觉应用中,生成反事实方法表示如何扰乱模型的输入来改变其预测,提供有关模型决策的详细信息。目前的方法倾向于产生关于模型决策的琐碎的反事实,因为它们通常建议夸大或消除所分类的属性的存在。对于机器学习从业者,这些类型的反事件提供了很少的价值,因为它们没有提供有关不期望的模型或数据偏差的新信息。在这项工作中,我们确定了琐碎的反事实生成问题,我们建议潜水以缓解它。潜水在使用多样性强制损失限制的解除印章潜在空间中学习扰动,以发现关于模型预测的多个有价值的解释。此外,我们介绍一种机制,以防止模型产生微不足道的解释。 Celeba和Synbols的实验表明,与先前的最先进的方法相比,我们的模型提高了生产高质量有价值解释的成功率。代码可在https://github.com/elementai/beyond- trial-explanations获得。
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown great potential in the field of graph representation learning. Standard GNNs define a local message-passing mechanism which propagates information over the whole graph domain by stacking multiple layers. This paradigm suffers from two major limitations, over-squashing and poor long-range dependencies, that can be solved using global attention but significantly increases the computational cost to quadratic complexity. In this work, we propose an alternative approach to overcome these structural limitations by leveraging the ViT/MLP-Mixer architectures introduced in computer vision. We introduce a new class of GNNs, called Graph MLP-Mixer, that holds three key properties. First, they capture long-range dependency and mitigate the issue of over-squashing as demonstrated on the Long Range Graph Benchmark (LRGB) and the TreeNeighbourMatch datasets. Second, they offer better speed and memory efficiency with a complexity linear to the number of nodes and edges, surpassing the related Graph Transformer and expressive GNN models. Third, they show high expressivity in terms of graph isomorphism as they can distinguish at least 3-WL non-isomorphic graphs. We test our architecture on 4 simulated datasets and 7 real-world benchmarks, and show highly competitive results on all of them.
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Over the past decade, neural networks have been successful at making predictions from biological sequences, especially in the context of regulatory genomics. As in other fields of deep learning, tools have been devised to extract features such as sequence motifs that can explain the predictions made by a trained network. Here we intend to go beyond explainable machine learning and introduce SEISM, a selective inference procedure to test the association between these extracted features and the predicted phenotype. In particular, we discuss how training a one-layer convolutional network is formally equivalent to selecting motifs maximizing some association score. We adapt existing sampling-based selective inference procedures by quantizing this selection over an infinite set to a large but finite grid. Finally, we show that sampling under a specific choice of parameters is sufficient to characterize the composite null hypothesis typically used for selective inference-a result that goes well beyond our particular framework. We illustrate the behavior of our method in terms of calibration, power and speed and discuss its power/speed trade-off with a simpler data-split strategy. SEISM paves the way to an easier analysis of neural networks used in regulatory genomics, and to more powerful methods for genome wide association studies (GWAS).
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Information on the grass growth over a year is essential for some models simulating the use of this resource to feed animals on pasture or at barn with hay or grass silage. Unfortunately, this information is rarely available. The challenge is to reconstruct grass growth from two sources of information: usual daily climate data (rainfall, radiation, etc.) and cumulative growth over the year. We have to be able to capture the effect of seasonal climatic events which are known to distort the growth curve within the year. In this paper, we formulate this challenge as a problem of disaggregating the cumulative growth into a time series. To address this problem, our method applies time series forecasting using climate information and grass growth from previous time steps. Several alternatives of the method are proposed and compared experimentally using a database generated from a grassland process-based model. The results show that our method can accurately reconstruct the time series, independently of the use of the cumulative growth information.
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As of 2022, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reporting and auditing are not yet compulsory for all companies and methodologies of measurement and estimation are not unified. We propose a machine learning-based model to estimate scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions of companies not reporting them yet. Our model, specifically designed to be transparent and completely adapted to this use case, is able to estimate emissions for a large universe of companies. It shows good out-of-sample global performances as well as good out-of-sample granular performances when evaluating it by sectors, by countries or by revenues buckets. We also compare our results to those of other providers and find our estimates to be more accurate. Thanks to the proposed explainability tools using Shapley values, our model is fully interpretable, the user being able to understand which factors split explain the GHG emissions for each particular company.
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Robots are traditionally bounded by a fixed embodiment during their operational lifetime, which limits their ability to adapt to their surroundings. Co-optimizing control and morphology of a robot, however, is often inefficient due to the complex interplay between the controller and morphology. In this paper, we propose a learning-based control method that can inherently take morphology into consideration such that once the control policy is trained in the simulator, it can be easily deployed to robots with different embodiments in the real world. In particular, we present the Embodiment-aware Transformer (EAT), an architecture that casts this control problem as conditional sequence modeling. EAT outputs the optimal actions by leveraging a causally masked Transformer. By conditioning an autoregressive model on the desired robot embodiment, past states, and actions, our EAT model can generate future actions that best fit the current robot embodiment. Experimental results show that EAT can outperform all other alternatives in embodiment-varying tasks, and succeed in an example of real-world evolution tasks: stepping down a stair through updating the morphology alone. We hope that EAT will inspire a new push toward real-world evolution across many domains, where algorithms like EAT can blaze a trail by bridging the field of evolutionary robotics and big data sequence modeling.
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Autonomous vehicles are suited for continuous area patrolling problems. However, finding an optimal patrolling strategy can be challenging for many reasons. Firstly, patrolling environments are often complex and can include unknown and evolving environmental factors. Secondly, autonomous vehicles can have failures or hardware constraints such as limited battery lives. Importantly, patrolling large areas often requires multiple agents that need to collectively coordinate their actions. In this work, we consider these limitations and propose an approach based on a distributed, model-free deep reinforcement learning based multi-agent patrolling strategy. In this approach, agents make decisions locally based on their own environmental observations and on shared information. In addition, agents are trained to automatically recharge themselves when required to support continuous collective patrolling. A homogeneous multi-agent architecture is proposed, where all patrolling agents have an identical policy. This architecture provides a robust patrolling system that can tolerate agent failures and allow supplementary agents to be added to replace failed agents or to increase the overall patrol performance. This performance is validated through experiments from multiple perspectives, including the overall patrol performance, the efficiency of the battery recharging strategy, the overall robustness of the system, and the agents' ability to adapt to environment dynamics.
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